根据《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》最畅销的连环杀手惊悚小说改编。圣彼得堡的警察正在追踪一个疯子的踪迹--这个勒索者不仅杀害年轻女性,还将她们的身体变成艺术品,在公共场所摆出受害者的姿势,好像她们还活着。著名的法医心理学家卓娅-沃尔金娜(Zoya Volgina)和特别行动处官员蒂莫菲-沃洛赫(Timofey Volokh)联手找到了凶手。他们必须一起深入连环杀手的心理,解开他扭曲的幻想,否则会有更多的妇女死亡。
《The Fix》由Marcia Clark﹑Elizabeth Craft及Sara Fain共同执笔,剧中讲述女主Maya Travis(Robin Tunney)是位女检察官,在8年前她输了谋杀案的庭审并成为传媒的批评对象,因此她离开了洛杉矶隐居在俄勒冈州的农村。然而8年后这位凶手再一次行凶,这次Maya究竟该蹈矩循规,还是不惜一切下把他送进牢狱? 虽然案中剧情是虚构的,不过灵感是来自Marcia Clark本人,过去她身为检察官时输得最为著名的就是O.J. Simpson一案。
众所皆知,Formula 1 2021 可谓近年最为激烈且充满戏剧性的一个赛季,车手总冠军必须在最终站阿布扎比大奖赛才能分出胜负,积分相同的 Lewis Hamilton 与 Max Verstappen 上演空前的决战.
ABC续订《实习医生格蕾》第20季,从第一季就在的Meg Marinis出任剧集运作人。
In season three, Ray’s world has contracted. Family life looks a little different as he quietly mourns the loss of Bruce, while figuring out how to care for his aging father, Bill (Kenny Graham). As Brittany (Chika Yasumura) grows into a young woman, she draws further away from Ray and comes closer to discovering the truth about who he really is. Things seem good with Gary (Justin Rosniak) and Dave (Matt Nable), however since severing ties with former boss and confidant Freddy (Damon Herriman), Ray is working freelance and feeling a sense of isolation. With business booming, a new connection with criminal kingpin Rafael (Jeremy Sims) intensifies Ray’s struggle and when sparks fly with new colleague Zoe (Emily Barclay), an unexpected tragedy makes Ray question both his career trajectory and his ethics.